Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20

Instead of running, I was invited to go roller skating with the local roller derby girls. 

I was real emotional about it at first, because I was sooooo bad and others were doing sooo beautifully.  Obviously they had more time on their skates than I did, but I suddenly felt like I was 8 again and nobody would want me on their team.

Then I got over myself and had a lot more fun.
And then I fell.  On my ass.  Harder on the left side.  My butt and lower back hurt pretty good.  Am on orders from C. to just rest it out today and see how I feel tomorrow.  Maybe do her 4:30pm yoga class all gentle like.

Breakfast was Fiber One with dried fruit and almond milk.
Snack was coffee with soy.
Next snack was two bits of a Larabar (coconut.)
And then lunch was an Amy's bean burrito and a glass of iced tea.

About to go to an early dinner with J.  No idea where, but I'll do my best.

Rotating heat and ice the rest of the night after I get home.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19

Want to write every day.  Hold myself accountable for some things.  Primarily food/exercise, but other things, too.

Starting today.  No backtracking and beating myself up for the pasta I ate last night or bragging about all the yoga I did last week.  Just reporting a day at a time.

I was supposed to run this morning, but woke up with a headache.  Still there a little.  Going to run tomorrow instead.  Want to do one of my yoga dvd's today.  Haven't done yoga at home in forever.

Breakfast: oatmeal, egg, bit o' maple syrup, 3 strawberries, 2 cups coffee with almond/coconut milk

Lunch: mini thins, mayo, avocado, 2 slices tofurkey, havarti, handful of peppers/cukes and a bit of Seven Seas dressing.

Going for coffee with CC in a bit.  So there will be more coffee.  No snacks.

For dinner I think I'll have minestrone and some of the quinoa salad.

About to do some reading on cayenne supplements. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12

Just back from run.  Haven't even peeled a banana yet.

Did 2.15 miles in 40 minutes.  But at 2 miles I was at 36 minutes and then cooled down.  Not like an 18 minute mile is fast or anything.  But it sure beats 20 minutes, right?

The trail was slick from rain so there was more walking going on, too.

I woke up with a queasy tummy.  Ate too late and ate too much dairy yesterday.  But I built my run around a Chevron station and that helped a good bit.  I liked knowing I was running to a clean bathroom.  I don't ever want to think of my last park bathroom experience ever again.

I'm going to suck back some water, eat a banana, change and head to yoga.  Then I want to check out a jewelry sale and convince D. to go get coffee with me.

Edited to add: I saw a cute little turtle on the trail!  No snakes.  (One of my students was bit by a snake on the trail last week.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10

Yoga at 6am.  Hatha 1.  I fell twice, I think.  My balance wasn't full awake yet.

But I feel really great now.  More awake at 8:30am than I've been in ages.  With a lot less coffee to boot.

Going back tonight for the Fundamentals class.  Only one more after tonight.

After yoga a friend called and needed a ride.  Somehow during the picking her up, grabbing coffee, and coming home my wallet and phone ended up under my car seat.  As I dug them out I found a sleave of Reese's peanut butter....hearts.  From Valentine's Day.  They've been hanging out down there for awhile.  Probably melted and reformed many times since then.

But the truly amazing thing?  I haven't eaten them.
